Ausnahmsweise war mein Mann auch mal im Garten, um beim Aufbau des ersten Pavillons zu helfen. Das er dazu keine große Lust hatte, war am Endergebniss zu sehen.
Ein Brunnen wurde auch gebohrt, aber nicht von uns °Q°.
Dieser Brunnen war eine riesen Erleichterung
Exceptionally, my husband was also in the garden to help build the first pavilion. That e was not in the mood to do so, you can see in the final result.
A well was also drilled, but not by us ° Q
This fountain was a huge relief.
So we no longer had to fetch the water from the creek, 100 meters away.
Da wir verhindern wollten, dass Rehe und anderes Getier vom Feld nebenan, die Bäumchen und Blümchen aufgefressen hatten wir dann noch am 15. November auf der Feldseite, einen ebenfalls 25 x 50 Meter langen Zaun gezogen.Das war anstrengen und kalt.
Since we did not wish that deer and other animals from the field next door, ate the trees and flowers we had then on 15 November on the field side, also a 25 x 50-foot fence was put up. That work was hard and cold.
Since we did not wish that deer and other animals from the field next door, ate the trees and flowers we had then on 15 November on the field side, also a 25 x 50-foot fence was put up. That work was hard and cold.
Liebe Gabie,
AntwortenLöschenda bin ich aber ganz neugierig wie der Garten jetzt aussieht. Viel Spaß mit Deinem neuen Blog!
I cannot see the quality of your pavilion in this photo. Having a good water source is going to be wonderful. I have a pump just like that one for my water, but it comes from a cistern, a large underground water tank that fills from the roof runoff. Is that some bamboo that I see? I love bamboo.